We will consider your work even if you are unable to attend the event in person; remote presentations are welcome.

The articles and simple abstracts submitted for the IX SER should be prepared according to the guidelines below:

  • Originality: The work must be original and not previously submitted to any other national or international event.
  • Language: Submissions can be in Portuguese, Spanish, or English.
  • File Format: Submissions must follow the provided template and be submitted as a PDF.
  • Number of Pages: A maximum of fifteen (15) pages for articles and five (5) pages for simple abstracts.
  • Formatting: Use A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm) paper size, Arial font; font size 11; all margins (left, top, right, bottom) set to 2.5 cm; and line spacing of 1.5 cm. Pages must be numbered.
  • Identification and Structure: The full text of the article or simple abstract must include the title, identification of the authors (up to 4 authors), their emails, and institutions of origin and acronyms (only after approval). The submission should NOT contain the names of the authors. Follow the structure specified in the template. Articles must include the attached session with the R Script, which is optional for simple abstracts.
  • Maximum Number of Authors: FOUR (4). No changes (inclusion, substitution, modification of order) will be allowed in the authorship of the articles after submission.
  • References: References cited in the text and listed at the end of the article must comply with the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT NBR 6023/2002).
  • Submission*: Submit the ARTICLE or SIMPLE ABSTRACT through the registration of the main author (1st author) by completing the form available on the event website (, starting on February 03, 2025. The ARTICLE or SIMPLE ABSTRACT file must be attached at the time of submission.
  • Submission Deadline: Articles must be submitted by April 06, 2025.
  • Evaluation**: All papers and abstracts submitted to the SER will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and may be classified as “accepted” or “not accepted”. Acceptance notifications will be sent until May 5, 2025.
  • Presentation: Articles accepted as full papers must be presented in the Oral Session of the SER, and simple abstracts must be presented as posters in the Poster Session. Each participant may only present one work per modality.
  • Publication: All works presented in the Oral Session and Poster Session will be published*** in the Proceedings of the SER.

*At the time of submission papers, the author must give your copyright assignment consent to publication

**Approval does not mean the organization’s commitment to funding or resources.

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